You are here: Commerce Manager > Customer Management > Organizations > Creating or Customizing Views for Browsing Organizations

Creating or Customizing Views for Browsing Organizations

As an Organization List gets longer, users can create and customize views to filter the list.

To create a new view, click on the View drop-down menu and select "New View."

A pop-up form appears above the Organization ListThis form gives users the ability to customize which columns appear and apply a variety of filters.

The default tab is General. Enter in a Title for the custom View. Click the check-box Show this view for all users, if you want other users to see this custom View.

Click on the Fields tab to select which columns you want to appear in the custom View. Select the columns you want to have appear by clicking and highlighting the column name and moving it over to the Visible columns list by clicking on the Right Arrow icon.

To deselect a column, click and highlight a column name from the Visible columns list and then click on the Left Arrow icon.

To change the ordering of the Visible columns list, click and highlight a column name and click on the Up and Down Arrow icons on the right of the list to reposition the column.

Click on the Filters tab to set the View filters. Users are given precise controls over filters for setting up rules for their custom View. Clicking on the + icon allows you add an additional filter.

Click on Save to save the settings and return to the Organization List screen.

To edit an existing View or a View you just created, select the View from the drop-down menu and click on the Edit icon next to it. The View Editing form pops up and you are able to edit all properties.

To delete a custom View, click on the X icon next to the Edit icon.

There are a multitude of options available for customization, but here are some examples to get you started.

Example View Filter Setups

The examples here will start off with the following list of sample Organizations, Organization Units, and Divisional Units:

Example 1: Creating a View to Only Show Organizations that Match a Business Category and Organization Name

  1. In this example, we will create a filter condition that display Organizations with a Business Category that equals "Business & Professional Services" and an Organization Name that equals "Company X."
  2. Click on the + icon and from the drop-down select "Business Category." Two fields, which default to "Equals" and "Arts & Entertainment," automatically appear. Click on "Equals" and a drop-down appears. Keep the field as "Equals." Click the field to the right of it and select a "Business Category" name (such as "Business and Professional Services").
  3. Since we want to add another filter so that the Organization not only matches this "Business Category," but also a specified name, click on the following + icon and then on the drop-down select "Name."
  4. In the next field, select "Equals" and then on the field that says "Text" enter in the name of the Organization (such as "Mediachase").
  5. Once done, click Save to save the View.

Applying and Editing a View

Once a View is created and saved, it appears in the View drop-down box.

To apply the View, select it from the drop-down. Based on the columns and filters you applied for the custom View, your Organization List will reflect those options.

Example 2: Creating a View to Display Companies with Specific Business Category or Organization Name

In this example, we will create a filter condition that display Organizations with a Business Category that equals "Computer & Electronics" or an Organization Name that contains "X."

Example 3: Creating a View to Display Companies with Specific Business Category and/or Name

In this example, we will create a filter condition that displays Organizations with a "Business Category" that equals "Computer & Electronics" and/or an Organization Name that contains "X."


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us